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巴士編定開車時間表 | Bus Detailed schedules

Google Traffic Maps 路況地圖


更新時間 Update Time : :
車程 Journey
分鐘 Minutes
Yan's Tower to Wan Chai Lap Tak Lane

運輸處鏡頭 Transport Department Cameras

Aberdeen Tunnel Wan Chai Entrance, updates every 2 minutes

Aberdeen Tunnel Aberdeen Entrance, updates every 2 minutes

Wong Chuk Hang Rd. near Aberdeen Tunnel, updates every 2 minutes


This webpage is a compilation of instant real-time status regarding Aberdeen Tunnel. To minimize internet traffic, a simplistic and plain design is adopted, and we apologize for that! We hope this page will bring you convenience.


交通消息 Traffic News

香港電台交通消息 | RTHK Traffic (只提供中文版 Chinese-only)

商業電台交通消息 | Commercial Radio Hong Kong Traffic News (只提供中文版 Chinese-only)

運輸署特別交通消息 | Transport Dept. Traffic News


其他連結 Other Links

香港天文台 | Hong Kong Observatory

南區交通專頁 | Southern District Transport Facebook Page


最後更新 Last Update: 10/1/2019 維修過海行車時間顯示,較早前對各位用家造成不便,祈為諒解 Fixed Cross-Harbour Time. Sorry for the inconvenience caused before.